I honestly don't know if anything is more rewarding then a cup of hot cocoa after a cold day outside. I remember deliberately playing in the snow as a kid, my cheeks and nose getting cold and rosy, knowing that it was all going to be topped off with a steamy, rich cup of hot chocolate.

I still love hot chocolate, but what I don't like is that powdery stuff trying to front as hot chocolate. Let's face it, you could shovel heaps of that sweetened dirt into your cup, it just doesn't cut it. I need the real thing.
My husband is actually the one that found this recipe. This is the real stuff folks, thick, creamy, chocolatey goodness that will make you feel like a kid again. You'll jump in a big pile of snow just to get a cup!

Creamy Hot Chocolate
Found on Allrecipes
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 cup white sugar
1 pinch salt
1/3 cup boiling water
3 1/2 cups milk
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup half-and-half cream
Combine the cocoa, sugar and pinch of salt in a saucepan. Blend in the boiling water. Bring this mixture to an easy boil while you stir. Simmer and stir for about 2 minutes. Watch that it doesn't scorch. Stir in 3 1/2 cups of milk and heat until very hot, but do not boil! Remove from heat and add vanilla. Divide between 4 mugs. Add the cream to the mugs of cocoa to cool it to drinking temperature.