After doing the "4 things about me" tag, Mandi tagged me. Since I have so much fun reading about you fellow bloggers, I'm excited to participate as well.
Four shows I watch:
1. Dexter. I'm slightly obsessed with this one, which could be a bit scary since it's a show about a serial killer. Of course it doesn't hurt that the main character is not hard on the eyes :)
2. Glee!! Tuesday nights just might be my favorite night of the week because of this show. I've always been a music/theatre nerd, so this show is right up my alley.

3. True Blood. I'm kind of over the vampire craze, but this show is so edgy and dark that I just can't turn away.
4. Grey's Anatomy. I loved it, then I tolerated it, then I hated it, and now I'm back to loving it again. I feel like the dialogue gets a bit "speechy" but I really love the characters, so it's kept me hooked. Plus I'm really glad that Izzy's gone.
Four Things I'm passionate about:
1. Without coming off as totally generic and cliche, I have to say the people in my life. My family, my friends, those that have touched me throughout my life. I just don't know that life gets anymore gratifying then when we make genuine positive connections with other people, especially those closest to us. I don't know where I'd be without my little family, they're the reason I do 99% of what I do.

2. Food, a no brainer. The fun thing about having a passion for food is how it's ever changing. I used to think that I was big into baking, but now I'm realizing that cooking is really my forte and I leave the baking to my husband. I love trying new things in the kitchen, but I also love returning to the familiar comforts of old recipes.

3. Books. I. love. to. read. And when I say books, I mean actual books. Covers with pictures and printed text. I have a Kindle, and I plan to use it, but I just can't let go of the romantic connection I have to holding an actual book in my hands, smelling the ink, turning the pages. It's magic to me.

4. Traveling, I don't get to do it a whole lot right now, but I don't have to do it to know that I'm passionate about it. I have an ever growing list of places I can't wait to visit.
Four phrases I use a lot:
1. "Hey babe/buddy/sweetie/kiddo/dude/sister/girlfriend"...the list goes on. I'm big on nicknames, and I live in a home with kids that will greet you whenever you walk into the same vicinity of the house as them, so I'm saying hello a lot.

2. "No worries." I don't like to get hung up on offenses or grudges, it weighs me down, so no worries.

3. "Totally!" Yes, I'm a child of the 80's, I say totally all the time.
4. "What's up" this is pretty much how I start all of my conversations.
Four things I've learned in the past:
1. It seems that no matter how difficult a period of time was, the things that I remember most about those times are the positive things. So I try to focus on the positive things as much as possible in the present since the negatives will most likely fade from my memory anyway.
2. A good night's sleep can cure a lot of what ails you.
3. No matter how great my relationship with my husband is, nothing beats having good girlfriends.
4. Working out really is the best way to start your day, and this is coming from someone who never cared much for exercise!
Four places I'd like to go:
1. Scotland! I don't know what it is about that place, but I've already told my husband that it's the very first place I want to go when we are able to start traveling. It is so green, so pretty and has castles!

2. New Orleans. There's just something so sultry and soulful about New Orleans, I'd love to experience it.
3. Barcelona. I saw a special on it once, and I've been infatuated ever since.
4. Greece. Every single thing I've ever seen or heard about Greece makes me ache for a visit. Plus, how could you not want to go to a place that invented Baklava and Gyros?

Four things I did yesterday:
1. Dropped my daughter off at school, despite her wishes to take just one more day off.

2. Got in a nice workout at our local YMCA.
3. Started the laundry.
4. Chatted with old friends. (Yesterday was a delightfully quiet day).

Four things I love about winter:
1. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with winter. I love it when it starts, I hate it towards the end, right around the time that spring should be appearing. Right now I'm a bit indifferent. So when I actually do love winter, I love: Wearing big comfy clothes, sweaters, scarves, fuzzy socks, and wrapping up in blankets. It's just so cozy.
I'm obsessed with scarves!

2. Going skiing. I haven't gone in years, but I love it and can't wait to go again.
3. The smells, you know, all of those fragrant Christmas smells of pine, cinnamon, apples, even the cold air has a distinct smell. I love it.

4. The comfort food. It might not be that great for my waistline, but I love warming, rich, creamy comfort foods to get through those cold days.
So there you go! I'd like to tag:
1. Kim from Stirring the Pot
2. Kim from The UnGourmet
3. Julie from The Sporadic Cook
4. Jennifurla from Indigo's Sugar Spectrum
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